Celebrate Independence Day 2021

How to Celebrate Independence Day in the Covid-19 Era

14 August is coming, and every Pakistani has started to prepare for independence day. Some have begun to decorate their house with flyers and flags, and some have decided to celebrate independence day with their loved ones. But, due to COVID-19, everyone is afraid of death because of the sudden rise in covid cases. Some of the majority must be having second thoughts if they should celebrate 14 August 2021 or not. But don’t because our government has issued some essential details and critical guidelines to follow during the independence day so let us discuss those details.


Guidance During the Covid-19 pandemic, securing extra care is crucial when partaking in Independence Day liveliness. The chance of COVID-19 spreading at ceremonies and gatherings develop as follows:

Lowest Risk:

Virtual-only movements, events, and conferences.

More Risk:

More modest outdoor and in-person groups in which people from several households remain separated at least 6 feet apart, wear cloth face coverings, do not share something, and come from the identical neighborhood area (e.g., district, town, city, or county).

Higher Risk:

Medium-sized in-person meetings are adjusted to allow people to leave spaces at least 6 feet apart and with attendees outside the regional area.

Highest Risk:

Big in-person meetings are troublesome for people to remain spaced at least 6 feet separate, and attendees travel outside the local area. Following should be considered for enhancing the protection of individuals and communities and preventing the spread of coronavirus disease (COVID-19).

Promoting Healthy Behaviors to Reduce Covid-19 Spread:

Health officials should promote behaviors that decrease the spread of COVID-19 among the district.

  • Practice natural distancing. Keep a minimum 6 feet gap.
  • Limit participation of minors in groups.
  • Encourage an excellent respiratory regimen. Cough or sneeze into bent angles. If not, disposable tissue should be utilized to cover the mouth and nose when choking or sneezing, then cast in a bin with a lid. Perform hand sanitation after disposal.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth, primarily when your hands are not washed.
  • Use mitts and masks. PPE presents a barrier to defend the person from potential danger to hazards.
  • Wash your palms regularly with soap and water. If soap and water are not provided, clean your hands with an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that comprises 60-80% alcohol.

Developing Healthy Environments:

The officials should reflect on implementing policies to maintain healthy habitats during independent day observances programs/events.

  • Hand sanitizers should be made obtainable at each entry and exit point of the functions/gathering.
  • All common-touch surfaces must be constantly purified and sanitized with a disinfectant that eliminates viruses, including coronaviruses. Washrooms must also have regular cleaning and sanitization.
  • Shared facilities (e.g., receivers, speakers) must be wiped/sanitized frequently and after every use. If given material cannot be washed/sanitized among attendees, then it cannot be utilized. Consider pre-recording communications to lighten the need for oneself to share a mike.
  • Cleaning commodities should not be utilized near kids. Ensure sufficient ventilation when using these commodities to check attendees or themselves from breathing toxic vapors
  • Use disposable mitts when removing garbage bags or handling and disposing of trash.
  • After using disposable gloves, throw them out in a lined trash can. o, Do not disinfect or reuse the gloves. o, Wash hands after removing gloves.
  • Ensure ventilation systems operate correctly and increase the rotation of outdoor air. The limited presence or seating allows for social distancing or hosts more trivial events in more significant areas.
  • Use various entries and exits and discourage packed waiting areas.
  • Block off lines or parts of seating to space people at least 6 feet distant.
  • Encourage citizens to remain at least 6 feet distant by giving signs or other visual cues such as rope or chalk lines.
  • Prioritize outdoor exercises where group distancing can be controlled as much as possible.
  • Change arrangement layout or availability of seats so that people can remain at least 6 feet separated.

Flag Hoisting Ceremonies:

  • The flag-hoisting celebration should be limited to the Government leaders in their assigned Government regions. The assistance of community features, older individuals, students, and teenagers should not be promoted in these events.
  • Thermal scanning of all the members attending the function should be taken out.
  • The members should strictly comply with healthy practices to prevent the spread of infection.
  • Practice civil distancing and keep a minimum of 6 feet in length. All bodies should use face masks.
  • The rope of the flag and different frequently touched coverings should be sanitized.
  • The government leader hoisting the flag should use gloves and quickly abandon them after hoisting.

Wrapping Up:

In a Nutshell, we hope everyone will follow the guidelines and keep social distancing mandatory and should not go to big gatherings when celebrating independence day and for those who are running their own businesses and brands in Pakistan and need help with their website ranking you get help fromĀ SEO service in Pakistan. And if you have any queries about the related topic, mention them. Until then, see you next time. Goodbye.

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